
17.02.2010 14:33, Jakov Sosic wrote:
> Hi!
> I have create RPM packages with Bacula 3.0.3 for RHELv5/CentOSv5. I have
> a problem with PostgreSQL installation... When I create database in
> UTF8, bacula director can't pass test.
> [r...@bacula bacula]# bacula-dir -c /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf -t
> Orphaned buffer:  bacula-dir     24 bytes buf=1696a798 allocated at
> watchdog.c:86
> Orphaned buffer:  bacula-dir     24 bytes buf=1698ef08 allocated at
> watchdog.c:87
> [r...@bacula bacula]# echo $?
> 0

Which is a pass, i.e. the configuration file is ok. Syntactically.

> I also get this Bacula message from
> 17-Feb 14:31 bacula-dir JobId 0: Warning: Encoding error for database
> "bacula". Wanted SQL_ASCII, got UTF8
> I've changed ENCODING="ENCODING 'UTF8'" in create_postgresql_database
> script. So, why is this bacula reporting this error?

Because of your change... change back to SQL_ASCII and Bacula won't 

That check, and thus the strong advice to use SQL_ASCII is there for 
good reasons. In short, it's quite possible that, with any other 
encoding than SQL_ASCII, you'll end up with backed up files not being 
in the catalog, or jobs failing. IIRC.



Arno Lehmann
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