On Wed, 2010-02-03 at 11:08 -0600, Heitor Medrado de Faria wrote:
> > I couldn't find anything going back that far in the docs. Does
> anyone
> > happen to know offhand what the latest director is that can still
> > connect to file daemon 2.0.3?
> >   
> I guess 3.x and 5.x directors still can work with 2.0.3 file daemons
> - 
> but its not the ideal scenario. 

Thanks for the reply. I understand it's not ideal. It's very temporary
-- just a couple of weeks during a migration period.

Based on your comments, I'll give it a try, but won't spend a lot of
time on it if it seems to be not working.

Thanks again!


Scott D. COURTNEY, Principal Engineer            Sine Nomine Associates
scourt...@sinenomine.net                     http://www.sinenomine.net/

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