On 01/11/2010 09:21 AM, John Drescher wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 10:38 AM, Stuart McGraw <smcg4...@frii.com> wrote:
>> I am trying to use Bacula for first time and want to
>> use DVD+R media.
> DVD writing in bacula is problematic at best. I do not recommend using
> it directly. Instead create 4.2 GB disk volumes and use your favorite
> dvd writing program to archive the disk volumes to DVD.

Thanks, but could you (or someone) expand on this?  I looked 
back over the list archive, but the discussions seem pretty
vague and generally trail off without a conclusion.  Also they
seemed pretty old (2.4.2) so I wonder how relevant they still 
are.  (I am using 2.4.4 currently).

Is there a summary somewhere of what these problems are?  
The Bacula manual and billion web pages recommending Bacula
all say DVDs are supported and presumably work ok.  If not 
the case, shouldn't the Bacula web site and manual be updated 
to say so?

Are the problems due to Bacula or the tools (growisofs et.al.)
that Bacula relies on?

One of the reasons I liked Bacula is the catalog database,
particularly because some of my backups will actually be 
archives (kept for a long time).  If I manually copy file 
volumes to DVD then I loose some of the advantages of having
a catalog database, yes?  That is, rather than being able
to find a specific DVD (by ID number) needed for a restore,
I will now only be given some file volume IDs and I will
need to manage the mapping between them and DVD ID numbers
myself? (I already do that with my existing home-brew 
backup scheme and wanted to use Bacula to get away from 

Anyway, I would still like to play around with backups 
direct to DVD so if someone can answer my original 

> Because it [DVD] has to be mounted for Bacula to use it,  
> I have to write some file system to the blank DVD first, 
> yes?  
> How do I do that?  I have tried using "growisofs -Z 
> /dev/dvd -R -J somefile" but that produces a "finalized" 
> (right term?) disk that Bacula can't write to. 

I would appreciate it.

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