Timo Neuvonen wrote:
> I just noticed there are Winbacula 3.0.3a clients, dated 2009-12-15.
> I didn't find any information what this version is... sounds like some 
> urgent fix to 3.0.3. It even has the same release notes- file like 3.0.3, 
> with no reference to a-suffix.
> AFAIK, Bacula does not support FD that is newer than DIR/SD.
> Is it safe to use 3.0.3a client with 3.0.3 DIR/SD? I think otherwise its 
> existence didn't make any sense...?

I think so.  It's version differences which are significant, but a, b, c 
are usually not very important.

Tried it?

"This manual documents Bacula version 3.0.3a (06 December 2009)"

3.0.3a is mentioned here: 

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