Is there any way to override Job/File retention periods that are specified in the Client part of Director configuration?
This need arises, when I use the same Client spec to run both "daily" and "archive" backups. "Archive" ones are run very seldom, and written to non-recyclable volumes. They are meant to be kept for years, and their file/job records should be kept in the catalog too. The regular daily ones are kept in recyclable volumes, with volume retention of 3 months, for example, and real-life recycling period is currently 5-6 months. Now, I've set File and Job retention to 5 years, to make sure the records of the "archive" backups will be kept "for ever". However, this has a side-effect that also the records of the daily backups of the same clients will be kept until the volumes are actually recycled, though the volumes were much older than even required by the volume retention. As a result, I have plenty of catalog information up to 5-6 months old, which makes the "list jobs" list very long and especially, unnecessarily grows up the catalog. So, how to overcome this? a) if I set File/Job Retention of all the Clients to, say, 2 months, these records of the daily backups would be pruned sooner. Great. But AFAIK, this would also prune as soon the records of the archive backups of the same clinets, something I'm trying to avoid. I think the pruning will happen anyway, though it would apply to volume that is not recyclable (the archives)? b) if I have File/job Retention set to several years to keep the records of the archives in the catalog, I'll also keep having huge number of relatively old records for volumes that are waiting to be recycled. Not so great. - So far, I haven't found any way to specify pool/volume-spesific exceptions to Job/File retention, AFAIK they are only Client-spesific concepts. - Do pruning of File/Job records really apply to non-recyclable volumes too, like I think? If not, then there is no problem at all. Pls. correct me, if I've mistaken. - The Dirty Way: specify two Client sections per physical client machine, with different retentions. Not so nice, I think, but it should be foolproof... - The Hard Work Way: manually delete weekly (or script it) the unwanted records of more than 3 months old. No, thanks... Good ideas are welcome! Regards, Timo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return on Information: Google Enterprise Search pays you back Get the facts. _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list