"Erik P. Olsen" <epod...@gmail.com> kirjoitti viestissä 
> On 03/12/09 14:01, Arno Lehmann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> 03.12.2009 11:47, Erik P. Olsen wrote:
>>> Running bacula 3.0.2 and fedora 12 logwatch produces no output at all. 
>>> It seems
>>> to be due to a missing script applybaculadate.
>>> /etc/logwatch/conf/service/bacula.conf contains the line:
>>> *ApplyBaculaDate =
>>> Apparently bacula 3.0 has got a logwatch interface but it doesn't seem 
>>> to work
>>> correctly. Eliminating the above line (prepend it a #) does wake up 
>>> logwatch and
>>> it does indeed contain some bacula information but maybe some is 
>>> missing.

Apparently bacula prior to 3.0.3 had had this feature sometimes too, but it 
had been broken for years since logwatch files were located incorrectly. 
Okay, this is history now. And obviously applies to RH-based systems (like 
RHEL, Fedora, CentOS etc) only.

>>> Which script should ApplyBaculaDate point to if any?
>> I've got no idea, but look at http://bugs.bacula.org/view.php?id=1428

So far, after upgrading to 3.0.3 I found it most convenient to simply 
comment out this line:
# *ApplyBaculaDate =

My first guess was this script was meant to take care that only proper daily 
bacula events would got into logwatch output. At first, after commenting out 
this line, I started repeatedly getting into logwatch a huge amount of old 
bacula events (everything contained in the current non-rotated log file) for 
a few days ( roughly for the last week of the last month). Honestly, I don't 
know why the problem disappeared a few days later at the month change, I 
guess it had something to do with logrotate. But since Dec 1st it has worked 
fine, I now it keeps outputting only the events of the last day.

But until someone invents something better, the comment sign in the conf 
line is a good fix. At least it helps getting rid of the daily logwatch 
error message, and logwatch will contain some information it wouldn't have 
otherwise. I don't think there's anything important missing from logwatch 
because of commenting out that line.

>> Also, this has been discussed recently, either here or on -devel. You
>> might want to search the archives for more information.
> OK, thanks. I've been out of the mailing list for a while, so I've missed 
> the
> discussions. As it is not critical I can live with it as long as I can get
> logwatch output as it used to be.

Regards, Timo 

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