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Craig Ringer wrote:
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thanks for all the answers; I am a bit overwhelmed by the number, so I am 
>> going to try to answer everyone in one email.
>> The first thing to understand is that it is *impossible* to know what the 
>> encoding is on the client machine (FD -- or File daemon).  On say a 
>> Unix/Linux system, the user could create filenames with non-UTF-8 then 
>> switch 
>> to UTF-8, or restore files that were tarred on Windows or on Mac, or simply 
>> copy a Mac directory.  Finally, using system calls to create a file, you can 
>> put *any* character into a filename.
> While true in theory, in practice it's pretty unusual to have filenames
> encoded with an encoding other than the system LC_CTYPE on a modern
> UNIX/Linux/BSD machine.

I would say particularly at schools, it's probably a lot more common
than you think. My other concern is that if you ARE someone that does
tend to have this kind of problems and Bacula messes with the filename,
in the case of a disaster recovery restore where Bacula has chosen
"safe" filenames, the process to fix everything that has been changed
may be rather involved, or in the case of user data, perhaps impossible
for a sysadmin to repair without user intervention.

- --
 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer II
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |novos...@umdnj.edu - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/CST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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