> I am looking to provide a service similar to Carbonite for my business
> clients.
Never heard of that.

> Before I spend the time to install and test I thought I would ask a
> few questions first that I couldn't find on the net.
> How does it perform if the clients are on dsl? ~300k upload

I do not think this is one of bacula's strengths. Firewalls need
specific workarounds because the client machine needs to initiate data
transfers to the machine that has the data storage.

> Does it do delta thing like rsync?

No, all files are either compressed on the client or sent in their entirety

> Is the windows client intuitive for non techies?

I do not have the time to answer this question. I can tell you that
there are several client GUI options.

> Is the backup initiated from the client or the server?

The backups are originated from the server with a backup set that the
server knows about. This can be a file stored on the client that
contains the files or folders to backup.

> Can client pause backup?


> Will it work for many small business for one server install?


> Would you suggest a different open source solution?

No idea. I have >20TB+ of data and about 50 clients (windows and
linux) with bacula for the last 5 to 6 years.


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