On 11/30/2009 10:40 AM, Sylvain Dupras wrote:
> Ok, I will try to give you all the information I use and what I try.
> We want to install bacula-fd and bconsole on a Mac.
> Compiling the source code on Leopard 10.5 work and run great.
> On Snow Leopard 10.6 compiling the source work (with trick, see below)
> but when the bacula-fd do his backup he backup nothing and said he
> finish and has a status OK. But we have this warning: Top level
> directory "/test" has an unlisted drive type "unknown"

I don't have a 10.6 machine to test on, but it might be useful for you to try 
running the regression suite on it.  You can find the details on how to do so 
in the developers manual on the bacula website.

Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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