Kevin Keane schrieb:
> Just a thought... If I understand you correctly, the files never
> change once they are created? In that case, your best bet might be
> to use a copy-based scheme for backup.

Yes, the files won't change. They are mostly raw camera data. They
will be read again, but not changed.

> I'd create two directories on your main server.
> /current /to_backup
> Both on the same file system.
> /current (or whatever you want to call it) holds all the files.
> /to_backup holds hard links to only those files in current that
> haven't been backed up yet. You can use a script to identify those
> current files, for instance by time stamp, a checksum or the like.

Hm, wouldn't the Accurate Backup feature do the same and be less error

> The actual backup can be done several different ways. You could use
> bacula. Or you could simply use cp, scp, rsync or similar. After the
> backup has completed, you delete the links in /to_backup.
> That way, you only back up files that have changed, and still have a
> full set of files on the backup.

I'm not sure how this will work in case of a restore. In general I
don't like such "hacks" ;) It could be an additional cause of erorrs
and it might be hard to check if the backup is really working.

But thanks for the thoughts, maybe we really have to use a set of
scripts in addition to bacula.


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