I'm running Bacula 3.0.3  I have this Job:

Job {
   Name            = "nyi maildir"
   JobDefs         = "DefaultJobRemote"
   Schedule        = "Maildir"
   Client          = "nyi-fd"
   FileSet         = "nyi mymaildir"
   Write Bootstrap = "/home/bacula/working/nyi-fd-maildir.bsr"

JobDefs {
   Name        = "DefaultJobRemote"
   Type        = Backup
   Level       = Incremental
   Client      = polo-fd
   FileSet     = "Full Set"
   Schedule    = "WeeklyCycle"
   Storage     = DLT
   Messages    = Standard
   Pool        = Default
   Priority    = 20
   Spool Data  = Yes

   Allow Duplicate Jobs = no
   Cancel Queued Duplicates = yes

   RunAfterJob  = "/home/dan/bin/dlt-stats"

Yet, I see duplicates queued.  Yes, the daemons have been restarted 
since the latest change to bacula-dir.conf.

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 25-Nov-09 00:23
  JobId Level   Name                       Status
  31130 Full    BackupCatalog.2009-11-24_08.15.00_12 is running
  31131 Differe  nyi_maildir.2009-11-24_12.01.00_19 is waiting execution
  31132 Full    nyi_maildir_tarball.2009-11-24_12.01.00_20 is waiting 
  31133 Increme  nyi_maildir.2009-11-24_16.00.00_22 is waiting execution
  31134 Increme  nyi_maildir.2009-11-24_20.00.00_23 is waiting execution
  31135 Increme  nyi_maildir.2009-11-25_00.00.00_24 is waiting execution

Why are the last three jobs queued up?  I would expect at most one.

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