Bruno Friedmann schrieb:
> Jason Selwitz wrote:
>>    Hi there I'm wondering if anyone else has ran into this problem, I'm
>> running bacula  2.4.2 on a Gentoo system with a Spectra logic T50
>> autochanger and one LTO-4 Drive, all the tests go fine with btape and
>> backups have been going fine for over a year and now all of a sudden I'm
>> getting tapes every so often that are having 9 ,10, 11 TB or so reported
>> to have been written to them when usually I should be seeing 800GB to
>> maybe 1.5TB, no major config changes except maybe adding a couple more
>> clients. any hints would be much appreciated. Thanks
> Hi Jason, after the John comment I would add also :
> check If in one or more client you are not saving some chrooted daemon 
> (dhcp,bind,ntp)
> as they can remount /proc inside their own directory which can lead to 
> backuping +- lot of unusefull ram data.
> ( option onefs = No permit to traverse mount point so you should take care 
> about good exclusion )
/proc with a couple of GB shouldnt (usually) compress to 50:1 though, so
11TB wouldnt fit on his tape even if it was /proc.
(AFAIK, bacula compresses each file seperatly, so having 20 copies of
the same file takes 20 times as much space as having one copy of the
file, with or without compression.)

I never checked, how does bacula report the size of sparse files in the
backed-up data? Maybe he has a couple of really large sparse files.

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