Thanks Arno. Is this better? If so I'll clean out all other text except the feature request and submit it to bacula-devel
-------------------------- Item ?: Allow Schedule Resource to override 'Next Pool' Date: 18 November 2009 Origin: Jim Barber. Status: New request What: Allow the Schedule resource to define a NextPool= statement to override the NextPool statement of the pool defined in the job. Why: I have an incremental pool that each week gets consolidated into a full pool via a VirtualFull job. The 'Next Pool' directive of the incremental pool defines the location of the full pool. The following week, the next VirtualFull backup will run. It will read the previous full backups and incremental backups since then, to create new full backups. It is important that the VirtualFull backup does not try to write to the same tape that the previous weeks full backup wrote to and left in Append status. Otherwise you could end up with the one tape trying to be read and written and dead-lock. At the moment I have a hack to get around this. An Admin job calls an external command that runs a SQL update to find any tapes in the full pool with an APPEND status and change it to USED. This runs after the full backups have been done. Instead I'd like to create two full pools. One for even weeks and one for odd weeks of the year. That way, even week virtual full backups could consolidate odd week virtual full backups with the latest incremental backups. And the odd week virtual full backups could consolidate the even week full backups with the latest incremental backups. The trouble is that the Incremental pool can only define one Next Pool. I can't have it toggle the Next Pool directive from odd to even, week to week. Unless I could override it from the schedule. Doing that would mean I could ditch my SQL hack to manipulate the tape status. It will also be less wasteful of tapes, since I won't have partially filled USED tapes throughout my library. There are possibly many uses for such an override that I haven't thought about. Regards, ---------- Jim Barber DDI Health ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let Crystal Reports handle the reporting - Free Crystal Reports 2008 30-Day trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with Crystal Reports now. _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list