
 First let me say that BACULA is a great software package.

 Now my issue:

I recently had a file system get corrupted, and need to restore it from the backups. I re-installed from the most recent backup from about three months ago. Due to the amount of data I do a three month full cycle and then incrementals. The users have indicated that a large number of files were not recovered. These files were added to the file system during the last of these cycles.

History on the file system, the file system is the home directories for a group of researches. they access the file system from NFS on linux, and CIFS/SMB from windows. they do direct access to files, copy sets of files to there workstation, process the data, and then move it back to the server. After the restore they indicated a large number of files accessed from the windows machine were not restored. In doing manual restore on some of these files, they just dont show up in the backup catalog. It's like Bacula never saw them.

Host: CentOS5.4, Bacula 2.2.3 (I know old, planning to upgrade after the new year), tape Library L700E.

So my question is why would Bacula  not backup files and or direcotries?

I noticed in the manual this weekend there is an issue with bacula about moving files/directoies into an already backed up location. Could this be the cause of my problem?


<<attachment: jrlang.vcf>>

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