> I think you are right. Volumes on HDD 1 will be in one pool and
> volumes on HDD 2 in another. For each client, there will be a full
> backup in both pools created by manually running level=full jobs. The
> schedules will automatically run daily backups, odd weeks storing into
> volumes in one pool and even weeks into the other pool.


> Normally, I would probably use 4 pools, divided into fulls on HDD 1,
> incrementals on HDD 1, fulls on HDD 2, and incrementals on HDD 2. This
> would be primarily to have different retention times for the
> incrementals and fulls.

Interesting idea, maybe I will use it in the future

> In your case, though, the incrementals need to be retained as long as
> the fulls. I don't think with your setup you will even make use of
> automatic recycling. To re-use a drive you will just manually delete
> all of it's volumes and start over with new manually run full backups.
> Right?

in the details i'm using 2 volumes in each pool. So I'm using automatic
recycling. moreover I have explicitly specified to run full backup once
per year - 1st sun in 1st week.
There is one reason why You need to have 2 fulls in one pool: To be able
to use the backup as a time machine.

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