Gary R. Schmidt wrote:
> On Fri, October 30, 2009 01:43, Sean M Clark wrote:
>> [...]  The
>> problem is, I could never manage to get "ClientRunBeforeJob" to
>> correctly pass the full pathname with spaces in it
> able to get
> Client Run Before Job = "\"D:\\Documents and Settings\\me\\My
> Documents\\ntbackup.exe\" backup systemstate /F D:\\systemstate.bkf"
> Works for me.  I just tested it, to be sure
> Works fine in 3.0.2, Solaris 10 x64, built with Sun Studio as a server,
> Windows XP SP2 as the client.
> Just re-read - don't mix / and \ as delimiters on Windows, it confuses the
> puir wee beastie.

Well - using exactly your format gets me one step closer, but still the
same problem:

The entry in the .conf file:

ClientRunBeforeJob = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Symantec\\Symantec Endpoint
Protection\\Smc.exe\" -stop -p InsertSecretPasswordHere"

The error:

30-Oct 09:32 client-fd JobId 20921: shell command: run
ClientRunBeforeJob ""C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint
Protection\Smc.exe" -stop -p InsertSecretPasswordHere"
30-Oct 09:32 client-fd JobId 20921: ClientRunBeforeJob:
'C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec\Symantec' is not recognized as an internal or
external command,
30-Oct 09:32 client-fd JobId 20921: ClientRunBeforeJob: operable program
or batch file.
30-Oct 09:32 client-fd JobId 20921: Error: Runscript: ClientRunBeforeJob
returned non-zero status=1. ERR=Unknown error
30-Oct 09:30 bacula-dir JobId 20921: Fatal error: Bad response to
ClientRunBeforeJob command: wanted 2000 OK RunBefore
, got 2905 Bad RunBeforeJob command.

The fact that it gets past "'C:\Program' is not a valid (blah blah
blah'" is an improvement, but now it's throwing a tantrum over the
spaces deeper in the path.  Oddly, ANY change I try making to the line
(so far) - including even just enclosing the whole thing including the
parameters in \" rather than just the path to the executable, as well as
trying to explicitly escape the spaces in "Symantec\\ Endpoint\\
Protection" goes back to the original error:

ClientRunBeforeJob: 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or
external command

Is this just plain a bug in bacula-fd.exe or bacula=dir parsing the
"RunBeforeJob" entry?

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