Hash: SHA1

DAve wrote:
> DAve wrote:
>> Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> DAve wrote:
>>>> DAve wrote:
>>>>> DAve wrote:
>>>>>> DAve wrote:
>>>>>>> Good afternoon.
>>>>>>> I am having a recurring issue with a backup that is configured for DR 
>>>>>>> purposes. The client purchased a fixed amount of space and wants to 
>>>>>>> overwrite the volumes each night. They have a local backup system in 
>>>>>>> place and we are using Bacula to get those backups offsite for the 
>>>>>>> evening only. I setup Bacula to use a number of volumes of fixed size, 
>>>>>>> and the volumes are written over each night.
>>>>>>> Everything worked fine for a period and then began producing an error. 
>>>>>>> There have been days when the error does not occur and I can see 
>>>>>>> nothing 
>>>>>>> different.
>>>>>>> I am putting the client's config below and the larger backup output and 
>>>>>>> media list online at these URLs.
>>>>>>> Job Output
>>>>>>> http://pixelhammer.com/Backup-allied-ex3-fd%20Full.txt
>>>>>>> bconsole media list
>>>>>>> http://pixelhammer.com/allied-media.txt
>>>>>>> The error I am seeing,
>>>>>>> 05-Oct 08:38 director-dir: Allied-ex3.2009-10-05_01.00.02 Warning: 
>>>>>>> Error 
>>>>>>> updating job record. sql_update.c:194 Update problem: affected_rows=0
>>>>>>> 05-Oct 08:38 director-dir: Allied-ex3.2009-10-05_01.00.02 Warning: 
>>>>>>> Error 
>>>>>>> getting job record for stats: sql_get.c:293 No Job found for JobId 20126
>>>>>>> 05-Oct 08:38 director-dir: Allied-ex3.2009-10-05_01.00.02 Error: Bacula 
>>>>>>> 2.0.3 (06Mar07): 05-Oct-2009 08:38:53
>>>>>>> The client config,
>>>>>>> Job {
>>>>>>>    Name = "Allied-ex3"
>>>>>>>    FileSet = "Allied-ex3"
>>>>>>>    Write Bootstrap = "/data/backups/Allied-ex3.bsr"
>>>>>>>    Type = Backup
>>>>>>>    Level = Full
>>>>>>>    Client = allied-ex3-fd
>>>>>>>    Schedule = "Allied-ex3"
>>>>>>>    Storage = storage2-allied-ex3
>>>>>>>    Messages = Allied
>>>>>>>    Pool = ex3-allied-Pool
>>>>>>>    Priority = 10
>>>>>>>    #Enabled = No
>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>> FileSet {
>>>>>>>    Name = "Allied-ex3"
>>>>>>>    Enable VSS = no
>>>>>>>    Include {
>>>>>>>        Options {
>>>>>>>              #compression = gzip
>>>>>>>              IgnoreCase = yes
>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>        File = "D:/archivesink/"
>>>>>>>        }
>>>>>>>    Exclude {
>>>>>>>            }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> Schedule {
>>>>>>>    Name = "Allied-ex3"
>>>>>>>    Run = Level=Full FullPool=ex3-allied-Pool mon-sun at 01:00
>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>> Client {
>>>>>>>    Name = allied-ex3-fd
>>>>>>>    Address = xxx.xxx.105.12
>>>>>>>    FDPort = 49202
>>>>>>>    Catalog = DataVault
>>>>>>>    Password = "xx"
>>>>>>>    File Retention = 1 week
>>>>>>>    Job Retention = 1 week
>>>>>>>    AutoPrune = yes
>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>> Storage {
>>>>>>>    Name = storage2-allied-ex3
>>>>>>>    Address = xxx.tls.net
>>>>>>>    SDPort = 49022
>>>>>>>    Password = "xx"
>>>>>>>    Device = FileStorage-allied-ex3
>>>>>>>    Media Type = File
>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>> Pool {
>>>>>>>    Name = ex3-allied-Pool
>>>>>>>    Pool Type = Backup
>>>>>>>    LabelFormat = "ex3-allied-"
>>>>>>>    Recycle = yes
>>>>>>>    Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
>>>>>>>    Purge Oldest Volume = yes
>>>>>>>    Volume Retention = 12 hours
>>>>>>>    Maximum Volumes = 60
>>>>>>>    Maximum Volume Jobs = 0
>>>>>>>    Maximum Volume Bytes = 1G
>>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>> I am reasonably certain the problem is PEBKAC and my understanding of 
>>>>>>> pruning and retention. I cannot see where I have gone wrong.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> DAve
>>>>>> Hmmm, I have a second client configured in the same manner. The only 
>>>>>> difference is that the second client has 240 1gb volumes instead of 60 
>>>>>> 1gb volumes. The configs are identical and the larger client has no 
>>>>>> issues. Both backup jobs start and finish within 10 minutes of each 
>>>>>> other, yet the smaller backup has it's job purged and the larger backup 
>>>>>> does not.
>>>>>> Still digging.
>>>>>> DAve
>>>>> Changed the pool resource to not autoprune and the error was the same 
>>>>> last night.
>>>>> Pool {
>>>>>    Name = ex3-allied-Pool
>>>>>    Pool Type = Backup
>>>>>    LabelFormat = "ex3-allied-"
>>>>>    Recycle = yes
>>>>>    Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
>>>>>    Purge Oldest Volume = yes
>>>>>    AutoPrune = no
>>>>>    Volume Retention = 12 hours
>>>>>    Maximum Volumes = 60
>>>>>    Maximum Volume Jobs = 0
>>>>>    Maximum Volume Bytes = 1G
>>>>>    }
>>>>> The larger client mentioned above, again, no problems. If I have "Job 
>>>>> Retention = 1 week" then why is my current job not found in the catalog?
>>>>>  From the manual,
>>>>> "Job Retention = <time-period-specification> The Job Retention directive
>>>>> defines the length of time that Bacula will keep Job records in
>>>>> the Catalog database after the Job End time. When this time period
>>>>> expires, and if AutoPrune is set to yes Bacula will prune (remove)
>>>>> Job records that are older than the specified File Retention period.
>>>>> As with the other retention periods, this affects only records in the
>>>>> catalog and not data in your archive backup."
>>>>> And the error clearly states "No Job found for JobId 20126", when the 
>>>>> job is still running.
>>>>> the only mention I ever seem to find of this error is a recent post by 
>>>>> Joshua J. Kugler, with no solution other than his issue went away and he 
>>>>> will keep an eye on it until it returns.
>>>>> DAve
>>>> I find nothing different between the two configs that would explain why 
>>>> one works and the other does not. So I created a new media pool called 
>>>> exch3-allied-Pool, changed the name of the pool resource to the new name 
>>>> in the director config, added volumes same as before, and now I have 
>>>> been running without error since the 7th.
>>>> I am at a loss to understand why. I need to go into SQL and see what is 
>>>> different as doing "list media pool=exch3-allied-Pool" shows no 
>>>> difference between the pools.
>>> The "show" commands provide more information. Bear in mind, also, that
>>> volume property changes must be updated on the individual volumes. If
>>> you change them in the config file, they will affect new volume
>>> defaults, not current ones. I do not know if this applies to your
>>> situation or not, but "show" should tell you.
>> I will check into that. I have not removed the old pool.
>> I did do an update pool from resource any time I make a change to the
>> config. My understanding from the manual is that is the proper thing to
>> do. Never had a problem before with updating pools.
>> DAve
> Odd, whenever I try to do a show pools, the director crashes. That is 
> the only time it has ever done so, through at least three different 
> version of bacula.
> But even more strange, after I created a new pool the problem when away 
> as I stated earlier. I created the new pool on Oct 7th, no further 
> errors. Until Oct 26th, then the error returned.
> 29-Oct 07:09 director-dir: Allied-ex3.2009-10-29_01.00.02 Warning: Error 
> updating job record. sql_update.c:194 Update problem: affected_rows=0
> 29-Oct 07:09 director-dir: Allied-ex3.2009-10-29_01.00.02 Warning: Error 
> getting job record for stats: sql_get.c:293 No Job found for JobId 20580
> 29-Oct 07:09 director-dir: Allied-ex3.2009-10-29_01.00.02 Error: Bacula 
> 2.0.3 (06Mar07):
> I am unable to understand what is going wrong. As each backup is a full 
> backup, every night, and the volume expire in less than 24 hours, why 
> did this work for 18 days?
> Still, the backup of the second server for that client, has always 
> worked and is still working with no changes to it's config.
> I am stumped.

Have you run a consistency check on your DB, either via mysqlcheck or
dbcheck or, preferably, both? I suspect something may be awry.

- --
 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer II
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |novos...@umdnj.edu - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/CST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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