I'm not certain, but here's my guess: In the pool definition for the
Pull_Inc pool, you have Label Format = "IncVol-". Although the manual does
not explicitly say so, I think this is equivalent to "IncVol-${NumVols+}"
which means the number Bacula automatically appends to the Label Format
string is the number of volumes in your pool plus one.
Normally, this works fine, but what happens when you delete a volume?
Let's say you have 100 volumes in a pool, named IncVol-0001 through
IncVol-0100. Now delete five volumes; let's say IncVol-0051 through
IncVol-0055. Now you only have 95 volumes, so when it comes time to
auto-label the next volume in the pool, Bacula tries to use the volume label
as IncVol-0096, because 96 is the number of volumes in the pool plus one.
Oops. There's the problem. IncVol-0096 already exists, as does
IncVol-0097, etc. This is where your warning messages come from.
The only fix for this that occurs to me is to manually label new volumes
with the same names as the ones you deleted. So, in the example above, you
would need to manually label five new (blank) volumes: IncVol-0051 through
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