Matti Jormakka wrote:
> Remote backup client:
>     * OS: CentOS 4.8
>     * Bacula-fd: Version 1.38.11
> Backup server:
>     * OS: Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS
>     * Bacula-dir, -sd and -fd: Version 2.4.2
>     * Catalog: SQLite 2.8.17
What happens if you restore to the remote instead of the local backup 
server?  Do you get the same error?
What happens if you restore the local server's files instead of the 
remote's files?  Do you get the same error?

This may or may not be related, but were you aware that major versions 
of the various bacula daemons (major version is the 'x' in version 
x.y.z) are not fully compatible?  I have to wonder if the real problem 
is not actually in the restore but in the backup itself -- i.e. due to 
using a 1.38.11 FD with a 2.4.2 SD & DIR.  You might want to upgrade the 
FD on the remote to 2.4.2.  Obviously, if that really is the problem it 
wouldn't fix your restore issue right away -- you'd have to do a fresh 
backup and try to restore from that.

- Cedric

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