Nicola Quargentan wrote:
> I'm very newbie and I want to use a DELL TL2000 autochanger.
> I made 7 pool in config file, one for each day of week:
> Monday, Tuesday, etc.

Monday, Tuesday and so is mostly used when you dont have an autochanger.
When you do have one I recommend setting up Pools so then reflect your
retention policies. In my setup we:
* Keep full backups for a year (run monthly)
* Keep differential backups for a year (run weekly)
* Keep incremental backups for 6 months (run daily).

This translates into 3 Pools, Full, Differential and Incremental. On
these pools the retentiontime is set and then automatically move back to
Scratch-pool when retention-time has expired. So all "fresh" volumes
just goes directly into Scratch pool.

Bacula will try to "fill tapes completely" e.g. fill mondays's tape with
tuesdays data if not explicitly configured otherwise.

> I want to use one volume for day and label it same as barcode. When I 
> tried "label barcode" I must to put all tape in only one pool:
> *label barcode
> The defined Storage resources are:
>       1: File
>       2: autochanger
> Select Storage resource (1-2): 2
> Connecting to Storage daemon autochanger at backup.quargentan.loc:9103 ...
> Connecting to Storage daemon autochanger at backup.quargentan.loc:9103 ...
> 3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command.
> Device "tape-burp-LTO4" has 23 slots.
> Connecting to Storage daemon autochanger at backup.quargentan.loc:9103 ...
> 3306 Issuing autochanger "list" command.
> The following Volumes will be labeled:
> Slot  Volume
> ==============
>     1  GDV100L4
>     5  GDV101L4
>     6  GDV102L4
>    12  GDV107L4
>    13  GDV105L4
>    14  GDV104L4
>    15  GDV103L4
>    16  GDV106L4
> Do you want to label these Volumes? (yes|no): yes
> Defined Pools:
>       1: Scratch
>       2: FullTest
>       3: DiffTest
>       4: IncrTest
>       5: Default
>       6: Monday
>       7: Tuesday
>       8: Wednesday
>       9: Thursday
>      10: Friday
>      11: Saturday
>      12: Sunday
> Select the Pool (1-12): .
> So I cannot put the volume GDV100L4 in Monday, GDV101L4 in Tuesday etc.
> I tried also to put all volumes in Scratch pool, but bacula return a lot 
> of messages:
> Cannot label Volume because it is already labeled.

Ok, you have to manually move your tapes into the tapedrive (mtx -f
/dev/changerdevice load 0 <slot> ) and dd some data onto it. That'll
erase the "label" on it. The thing is that this is most likely the
second time you ran "label barcodes" and each tape can only be labelled
once, then you need to manually erase it to get it back in.

> 1) Is there a clue to add one volume labeled by barcode to a single pool?

label barcodes slot=<slotnumber>

> 2) How I can relabel the volumes (I found a bad clue on the web: erase 
> every tapes manually :( ).

That is how its done.. if its all in your changer then a few lines of
shell-foo can do it.


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