carfieldboy wrote:
> hi all
> I'm use bacula3.01 server and client to backup my files. It works good.
> But i found a problem here.
> I think  the 184 server's differential backup strategy is correct
> ===============================================================
> 184                | 2009-09-24 01:48:47 | B    | F     | 1,752,636 | 
> 3,527,191,160 | T 
> 184                | 2009-09-25 03:33:05 | B    | D     |     60,936 |    
> 153,237,899 | T 
> 184                | 2009-09-26 03:33:04 | B    | D     |     61,593 |   
> 154,167,499 | T
> But the 183 server's differential backup strategy is  abnormal       |
> ===============================================================
> 183                | 2009-09-27 01:30:09 | B    | F     | 1,919,599 |
> 48,705,123,134 | T
> 183                | 2009-09-28 01:30:10 | B    | D     | 1,284,990 |
> 31,494,192,087 | T  
> and i checked some files on the server and compare with the file i was
> restored from full backup,they not changed  after full backup and time stamp
> is correct. 
> why 183 server have many files were backuped in differential backup
> strategy?what cause it?
When you say the "time stamp is correct" you're probably only looking at 
the modification time (mtime) of the file.  By default, Bacula uses both 
the mtime AND the ctime (Change Time) of a file to determine its 
effective timestamp.  Try using the stat command to check the ctime on a 
couple of your files.

- Cedric

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