Hi Mike,

There's some instruction about the max run time a job could run ( search in 
documentation I've not it under finger right now )
It kill the job if this allowed time exceed.

One complementary approach I would investigate would be a script acting with 
dbus commands to desactivate the hibern/suspend
function during the time of the backup ( run before job and after job ).

If you can find something that emulate this command I think you would have less 
trouble. A more you're pretty sure you would
have a backup.

Ideally I would wake up this station by a wake on lan command.

uhog-v...@spamex.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Bacula 3.0.2(all components) on Ubuntu 9.04 to backup several 
> clients. A few of these are Windows XP laptop clients which may get booted up 
> for a short period, then the lid closed after the user has done some simple 
> things like checking email, etc. Closing the lid will put the laptop in 
> hibernate mode.
> My problem is when this happens after the job is started but before it is 
> finished, it seems to "hang" in running mode. Example:
> *s dir
> ...
> Running Jobs:
> Console connected at 31-Aug-09 08:17
> Console connected at 31-Aug-09 08:18
> Console connected at 31-Aug-09 11:06
>  JobId Level   Name                       Status
> ======================================================================
>    242 Increme  win-v2-backup.2009-08-31_09.00.00_05 is waiting on max 
> Storage jobs
>    244 Increme  tlap-backup.2009-08-31_09.00.00_07 is running
>    245 Increme  n610c-backup.2009-08-31_09.00.00_08 is waiting on max Storage 
> jobs
> ====
> ...
> *llist jobid=244
> ...
>        SchedTime: 2009-08-31 09:00:00
>        StartTime: 2009-08-31 10:02:41
>          EndTime: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
> ...
> I have the following settings in my dir.conf file
> director
>   FD Connect Timeout = 20 mins
> job
>   Max Start Delay = 43200
>   Reschedule On Error = yes
>   Reschedule Interval = 2 mins
>   Reschedule Times = 36
> My goal here is that if one job is unable to complete like this, then it 
> would simply abort after 20 minutes allowing the next job to start running 
> and the job that aborted would get rescheduled and perhaps catch the user 
> online next time.
> This works as expected as long as the job has not transitioned to the 
> "running" state, ie as long as it is "waiting" then after 20 minutes it will 
> abort and reschedule but after it starts running I'm not sure how long it 
> will hang around.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Mike Chisholm


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