
wanting to keep things simple in my early days with Bacula I decided to use
a sqlite database.  A few months later, I'm looking at growing things a
little more and starting to think sqlite might not have been the wisest
choice.  The database is now 1.4GB in size and the combined size of the
volumes is 635GB.

Firstly, should I be concerned about sqlite or is it likely to continue to
work fine?  I started adding jobs seriously in June (up to 12 servers now
with about the same again still to add) and I'm imagining in a year or so
that database is going to be more like 10GB in size which might be
starting to become a problem.  

I need to upgrade the director to Bacula v3 (for windows VSS).  I've built
backported debian packages from John Goerzen's git archive.  I'm just
thinking that if I need to re-engineer things a little (eg upgrade to
sqlite3/pgsql/mysql) this is probably as good a time as any to do it. 

Have people done migrations like this before?  I presume you need to dump
the db to sql and load it up in the new rdbms but I also presume the sql is
incompatible so some manual modifying is needed. 

Thanks in advance,

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