   Today I had a problem with an LTO-3 400/800 tape:
I purged the corresponding volume in the catalog; then, when I mounted 
the tape, the following error message appeared:

3902 Cannot mount Volume on Storage Device "Tape-LTO-Storage" 
(/dev/nst0) because:
Requested Volume "" on "Tape-LTO-Storage" (/dev/nst0) is not a Bacula 
labeled Volume, because: ERR=block.c:1012 Read zero bytes at 0:0 on 
device "Tape-LTO-Storage" (/dev/nst0).
3905 Device "Tape-LTO-Storage" (/dev/nst0) open but no Bacula volume is 
If this is not a blank tape, try unmounting and remounting the Volume.

The tape did have a label. That's why I don't understand... It's like if 
the label would have been erased?
I mounted it several times, but it didn't work. Finally, I deleted the 
tape and relabeled it:

  mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
  mt -f /dev/nst0 weof
# Then mounted it and label it again...

Now it's working fine, but I wanted to know if somebody has had this 
problem before...

Director: Version: 2.4.2 (26 July 2008) i486-pc-linux-gnu debian lenny/sid
Storage: Version: 2.4.2 (26 July 2008) i486-pc-linux-gnu debian lenny/sid


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