
Today we included a tru64 client "home" for the first time in our environment 
as a bacula client. 
So far we have a working setup for Linux clients. Our bacula server 
"BACULASERVER" is also a SLES linux system. 
We started a bacula-fd daemon after making changes to bacula-fd.conf file. Now 
the process is started as ,
r...@home> ps -ef | grep bacula
root        1258982    1048577  0.0 09:35:40 ??           0:00.02 
/sbin/bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula-fd.conf

And the client is listening on the proper port,
r...@home> netstat -an | grep 9102
tcp        0      0  *.9102                    *.*                       LISTEN

As a test, we have initiated a backup, but it failed giving following errors,

20-Aug 12:31 BACULASERVER-dir JobId 2504: Start Backup JobId 2504, 
20-Aug 12:31 BACULASERVER-dir JobId 2504: Using Device "Drive-1"
20-Aug 12:31 home-fd: home_system.2009-08-20_12.31.02 Fatal error: Failed to 
connect to Storage daemon: BACULASERVER:9103
20-Aug 12:31 home-fd: home_system.2009-08-20_12.31.02 Error: bsock.c:182 
gethostbyname() for host "BACULASERVER" failed: ERR=Authoritative answer for 
not found.
20-Aug 12:31 BACULASERVER-dir JobId 2504: Fatal error: Socket error on Storage 
command: ERR=No data available
20-Aug 12:31 BACULASERVER-dir JobId 2504: Error: Bacula BACULASERVER-dir 2.2.7 
(24Dec07): 20-Aug-2009 12:31:18

We can ping server and client from eachother.
Kindly suggest.

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