On Fri, 14 Aug 2009, Dan Langille wrote:

> > I made a similar tweak to try and use the I/O slots and backed it out
> > for this reason.
> Can someone explain what IO slots are?  And why I have 36 of them?

They are traditionally used for (un)loading individual tapes (mailslots)
without stopping the robot (opening the main doors)

In some larger libraries (bigger scalars for instance), one (or more)
magazine is removable without opening the main door and pausing the robot.

The idea is that the tapes can then be dispersed to appropriate slots
within the robot without interfering with other ongoing operations or
having the operator play "dodge the high speed mechanism"

36 seems a bit extreme if they are your only tape slots, but it makes
sense in a large library with ~800 slots.


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