In the message dated: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 14:39:39 EDT, The pithy ruminations from John Lockard on <[Bacula-users] Anyone written any handy queries (query.sql)???> were: => I have modified my query.sql to include some queries that => I use frequently and I thought maybe someone else would => find them useful additions. Also, I was wondering if anyone => had queries which they find useful and would like to share.
Sure. Here's my collection, largely drawn from earlier postings to this list (check the archives...hint, hint!) and from direct help from other bacula users. My SQL knowledge is infintesimal, so any improvements would be welcome (the wildcard search query, in particular, is terribly slow). -===============================================================- :List Volumes in the changer that are in need of replacement SELECT VolumeName As VolName,Storage.Name AS Storage,Slot,Pool.Name AS Pool,MediaType,VolS tatus AS Status, VolErrors AS Errors FROM Media,Pool,Storage WHERE Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId AND Slot>0 AND InChanger=1 AND Media.StorageId=Storage.StorageId AND ( (VolErrors>0) OR (VolStatus='Error') OR (VolStatus='Disabled') OR (VolStatus='Full')) ORDER BY Slot ASC, VolumeName; :List tapes in expiration order # thanks to Eric Bollinger # From: Eric Bollengier <> # Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 20:31:37 +0200 SELECT Media.VolumeName AS volname, Media.VolStatus AS status, Media.LastWritten AS lastwritten, Media.InChanger AS Loaded, Pool.Name AS pool, FROM_UNIXTIME( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Media.LastWritten) + (Media.VolRetention) ) AS expire FROM Media INNER JOIN Pool ON (Pool.PoolId = Media.PoolId) AND Media.Recycle = 1 AND Media.MediaType IN ('LTO2') AND Pool.Name IN ('Default','Full','Incremental') ORDER BY expire ASC, Media.VolUseDuration DESC LIMIT 25; :Find next volumes to load SELECT VolumeName AS VolName,Pool.Name AS Pool,MediaType AS Type,VolStatus AS Status, InCh anger FROM Media,Pool,Storage WHERE Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId AND InChanger=0 AND Media.StorageId=Storage.StorageId AND ( VolStatus IN ('Purged', 'Recycle') OR Pool.Name='Scratch') ORDER BY VolumeName; :List Volumes in Error status SELECT Media.MediaId AS MediaId,Pool.Name AS Pool,VolStatus AS Status FROM Media,Pool WHERE (VolStatus='Error') ORDER BY Pool.Name,MediaId; :List all places where a File is saved *Enter Filename (no path): SELECT DISTINCT Client.Name as Client, Path.Path,Filename.Name,File.MD5 as Checksum, Job.JobId as JobId FROM Client,Job,File,Filename,Path WHERE Client.ClientId=Job.ClientId AND JobStatus='T' AND Job.JobId=File.JobId AND Path.PathId=File.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId AND Filename.Name='%1' ORDER BY Path.Path; :Search for files with wildcards (% for *): *Enter Filename (no path): SELECT DISTINCT Job.JobId as JobId, Client.Name as Client, Path.Path,Filename.Name,StartTime FROM Client,Job,File,Filename,Path WHERE Client.ClientId=Job.ClientId AND Filename.Name like '%1' ORDER BY Filename.Name LIMIT 50; # AND JobStatus='T' AND Job.JobId=File.JobId # AND Path.PathId=File.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId => => In my setup, I need to rotate tapes on a weekly basis to => keep offsites in case of emergency, so I need to find certain => groups of tapes for easy removal and it's easier to group => them in query output than having to scan down a 57 item long => list and pick out the ones I need (and other similar needs). => => I hope someone finds this useful, => -John => [SNIP!] => -- => Do not try the patience of wizards, => for they are subtle and quick to anger. => ------------------------------------------------------------------- => John M. Lockard | U of Michigan - School of Information => Unix and Security Admin | 1214 SI North - 1075 Beal Ave. => | Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2112 => | 734-615-8776 | 734-647-8045 FAX => ------------------------------------------------------------------- => => ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Advertisement from SourceForge SNIPPED!] ---- Mark Bergman voice: 215-662-7310 fax: 215-614-0266 System Administrator Section of Biomedical Image Analysis Department of Radiology University of Pennsylvania PGP Key: The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let Crystal Reports handle the reporting - Free Crystal Reports 2008 30-Day trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with Crystal Reports now. _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list