failed communication between the SD and FD for TLS.
I can successfully connect to Storage daemon and client sd FD.
but when I want to start a job for the client I have this message.
ir JobId 77: Démarrage du backup JobId 77,
10-aoû 16:08 WN-ASI-01-dir JobId 77: Using Device "FileStorage"
10-aoû 16:08 WN-JGR-01-fd�JobId 77: Erreur fatale�: TLS negotiation failed.
10-aoû 16:08 WN-JGR-01-fd�JobId 77: Erreur fatale�: Failed to authenticate
Storage daemon.
10-aoû 16:08 WN-ASI-01-dir JobId 77: Erreur fatale : Mauvaise réponse à la
commande Storage : voulait 2000 OK storage
Thanks for any assistance.
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