Alittle Background first:


Running ~75 Clients (Windows Bacula FD 3.0.1) on 5 Storage Daemons (Mix of
Windows SD & Linux SD, 3.01) against Bacula-DIR of 3.0.1 & mySQL...


Now that that's out of the way.


I am attempting to Automatically recycle volumes after a certain date.  Out
of the 5 Storage Daemons, only 1 of them is actually recycling the volume
after 2 weeks.  The other's seem to keep adding more and more volumes as
time goes on.  Sometimes the Volumes to recycle (list nextvol on random
clients shows use of a volume that's already full and ready to be
recycled.).  The problem that I am running into is that our Storage server
(writing to disk) freespace is getting smaller and smaller every day due to
the volumes that are not recycling properly.  Eventually I give in, check
old dates on the volume and manually purge/delete the volume in order to
keep the space down.  I have finally gotten fed up with this, and asking for
your help.


I have some Volumes on the one that is not working, all the way back to the
7th of this month, that are full.  Set to recycleable after 5 days, etc.
Like I said, some recycle, most become new volumes and fill up the drive.


Below is some of my configuration.  #1 is for the SD/Pool/jobdef/etc that is
working and recycling properly, #2 is not working. (xxx's to protect the




Storage {

  Name = laurel-sd

  Address = 192.168.xx.xx

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = "xxxxxx"

  Device = laurel-storage

  Media type = laurel

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10




Storage {

  Name = IT

  Address =

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = "xxxxxx"

  Device = IT

  Media Type = IT

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10






Device {

  Name = laurel-storage

  Media Type = laurel

  Archive Device = "C:/BACKUP"

  LabelMedia = yes

  Random Access = yes

  AutomaticMount = yes

  RemovableMedia = no

  AlwaysOpen = no




Device {

  Name = IT

  Archive Device = /media/snapserver/IT

  Media Type = IT

  LabelMedia = yes

  Random Access = yes

  AutomaticMount = yes

  RemovableMedia = no

  AlwaysOpen = no

  Device Type = File



Pool Definitions


Pool {

  Name = "laurel"

  Maximum Volumes = 0

  Pool Type = Backup

  Storage = laurel-sd

  Maximum Volume Bytes = 2147483648

  Volume Use Duration = 14 days

  Catalog Files = yes

  Auto Prune = yes

  Volume Retention = 14 days

  Recycle = yes

  Recycle Oldest Volume = yes

  Recycle Current Volume = no

  Purge Oldest Volume = yes

  Label Format = "LA"




Pool {

  Name = "IT"

  Maximum Volumes = 0

  Pool Type = Backup

  Storage = IT

  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1

  Maximum Volume Files = 0

  Maximum Volume Bytes = 2147483648

  Volume Use Duration = 5 days

  Catalog Files = yes

  Auto Prune = yes

  Volume Retention = 5 days

  Recycle = yes

  Recycle Oldest Volume = yes

  Recycle Current Volume = no

 Purge Oldest Volume = yes

  Label Format = "IT"




Job Definitions


JobDefs {

  Name = laureljob

  Enabled = yes

  Type = Backup

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = laurel

  Schedule = "Laurel-Client Backup"

  Storage = laurel-sd

  Prefer Mounted Volumes = No

  Prune Jobs = no

  Rerun Failed Levels = yes

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4

  Reschedule On Error = yes

  Reschedule Interval = 3 hours

  Reschedule Times = 3

  Priority = 8




JobDefs {

  Name = ITjob

  Enabled = yes

  Type = Backup

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = IT

  Schedule = "IT-Client Backup"

  Storage = IT

  Prefer Mounted Volumes = No

  Prune Jobs = no

  Rerun Failed Levels = yes

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4

  Reschedule On Error = yes

  Reschedule Interval = 30 minutes

  Reschedule Times = 6

  Priority = 8




Jayson Broughton

Linux Systems Administrator

Computer Services

True Oil LLC



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