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Mike Ruskai wrote:
> On 7/20/2009 9:32 PM, Dan Langille wrote:
>> I found this today:
>> http://searchstorage.techtarget.com.au/articles/34020-Open-source-backup-tools-Amanda-BackupPC-and-Bacula-compared
>> However, very little comparison is done.
>> The Bacula information is based upon writings by Eric Burgener, but I
>> can find no material referencing his work.
>> Offhand, the article mentions two solutions in passing and dismisses
>> them.  Then it glows on about Amanada.  :)
>> At first, I thought the article was outdated, but I could find no
>> evidence that it was a republished work.

Well, here's an older version, dated September 2008:

The interviewed Chris Hoogendyk is certainly no stranger to our list
here. He was, among others, very adamant about getting the feature we
call 'accurate backup' and which has been available as of release 3.0.0:

Personally, I can't claim to administer anything remotely as big as the
"biology and geology departments at the University of Massachusetts
Amherst", (I do admin several thousand users at my job, but my Bacula
install only has a measly 10 users and 13 computers to worry about)
however if they interviewed me, I'd gladly tell them why I dropped
Amanda for Bacula back in 200something. ;)

The resuling piece would be just as biased as this 'article'. Then
again, I can't help but be biased, because I've now spent several years
using the very mature, extremely stable and rather feature rich Bacula
Open Source Network Backup Solution, and it is still a pleasure watching
it bloom and improve with every release.

- - Michel

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