> First, I don't see Client resources in the director config for 
> tnserver-fd and dellxppro-fd,
> you only have Server-fd and xpcomp-fd
> Second, in the tnserver file daemon config, you have specified 
> tnserver-fd as the director,
> but it's called Server-Dir.
> I haven't read the whole config. Try doing the above mentioned and ask 
> again if it still doesn't work.
Fixed everything and when ahead and did a tnserver backup.
Always get the following:

4 files selected to be restored.

Run Restore job
JobName:    Restore
Bootstrap:  /var/bacula/Server-dir.restore.1.bsr
Where:      *None*
Replace:    always
FileSet:    Catalog
Client:     xpcomp-fd
Storage:    File
When:       2009-06-17 21:23:16
Catalog:    MyCatalog
Priority:   10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=50
#Failed to retrieve jobid.17-Jun 21:23 Server-dir: Start Restore Job 
17-Jun 21:23 Server-dir: Restore.2009-06-17_21.23.21 Warning: bnet.c:864 
Could not connect to File daemon on ERR=No route to host
Retrying ...
but I found a work around ...
once the above is queued then I change the IP of the TNSERVER and the 
restore takes place.

It will be this weekend before I can attempt the same work around on 
other computers and with my live linux server.

Thanks to all.

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