Silver Salonen a écrit :
> On Wednesday 10 June 2009 16:25:42 Willians Vivanco wrote:
>> Tolj Mario wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Sorry if my english isn't very well.
>>> I'm trying to configure Bacula to send me a mail after a Job (Succes or 
>>> Error, etc...). but i'm not sure how to configure that.
>>> My Linux server is in my windows Active Directory, so i try to send a 
>>> mail to two of my Active Directory users ( and
>>> In the bacula-dir.conf i'have try to only put the email addresses in the 
>>> Message ressource separated by a ";" but it doesn't work. I think it's a 
>>> little bit more complicated than that :)
>>> Messages {
>>>   Name = Standard
>>>   mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h *;* \ -f 
>>> \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
>>>   operatorcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h *; \* 
>>> -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
>>>   console = all, !skipped, !saved
>>>   append = "/var/lib/bacula/log" = all, !skipped
>>> }
>> As simple as create an script that send the emails and call it from the 
>> job resource using the "runAfterJob" attribute... This was my solution 
>> and it works... Maybe isn't the best one. But it results for me.
>> Regards
>> Willians
> I think the right way to do it would be to use the correct Messages resource, 
> so let's try to fix it :)
> bsmtp's -h specifies host to use for sending mail, eg. localhost. If you want 
> to send the e-mail to multiple adresses, specify them in "mail" parameter, eg:
> Messages {
>   ....
>   mail =, = all, !skipped
> }
I have try your solution, but it doesn't work, this message appears:

/11-jun 07:54 localhost-dir JobId 55: message.c:482 Mail prog: bsmtp: 
bsmtp.c:435 Fatal connect error to localhost: ERR=Connexion refusée/  ( 
in english : Connexion refused)

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