> Hello,
> We have been using Bacula  Version: 2.2.7 for our backup needs. Today
> we have received a fatal error and the backup could not be completed.
> enough the backup termination status is saying OK. If you have any
kind of
> hint to resolution of this error then kindly suggest the same. Thanks
> advance.
> ...
> 06-Jun 15:20 remote-dir JobId 2014: Fatal error: Can't fill File table
> failed: INSERT INTO File (FileIndex, JobId, PathId, FilenameId, LStat,
> MD5)SELECT batch.FileIndex, batch.JobId, Path.PathId,
> Filename.FilenameId,batch.LStat, batch.MD5 FROM batch JOIN Path ON
> = Path.Path) JOIN Filename ON (batch.Name = Filename.Name): ERR=The
> 'File' is full

That last message 'The table 'File' is full' is probably the reason. One
or more of the following is probably true:
1. You are out of space on the volume where your database is stored
2. You are spooling to the same volume as your database, causing #1, but
it will appear to have plenty of space once the backup stops as the
spool file will be deleted (ask me how I know about this :)
3. You have reached some internal limit in your database. I doubt that
will happen with mysql or postgresql but could be possible with sqlite.
How many rows in File? (select count(*) from file)


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