Hello Bacula-users,

  I'm having a problem with a VirtualFull backup.

  I have a single schedule and two Pools.  This system is doing
  backups to disk drives.
  Essentially, I do all my backups to an internal drive, then when
  those are done I want to do a VirtualFull backup to an external
  drive.  Both drives are 1 terabyte drives.

  All my backup jobs use these pools and schedule.

  Some of the virtualfull backups have worked properly, but now that
  there is some data on the drives, I get the following error.  It
  apparently is trying to mount a volume which is in the External pool
  on the internal pool.

  Any ideas?


05-Jun 11:31 bayer-dir JobId 136: Start Virtual Backup JobId 136, 
05-Jun 11:31 bayer-dir JobId 136: Bootstrap records written to 
05-Jun 11:31 bayer-dir JobId 136: Using Device "ExternalFileStorage"
05-Jun 11:31 bayer-sd JobId 136: Warning: dev.c:534 dev.c:532 Could not open: 
/var/lib/bacula/archive/D1, ERR=No such file or directory
05-Jun 11:31 bayer-sd JobId 136: Warning: acquire.c:221 Read open device 
"FileStorage" (/var/lib/bacula/archive) Volume "D1" failed: ERR=dev.c:532 Could 
not open: /var/lib/bacula/archive/D1, ERR=No such file or directory

05-Jun 11:31 bayer-sd JobId 136: Please mount Volume "D1" for:
    Job:          dns.2009-06-05_11.31.32_08
    Storage:      "FileStorage" (/var/lib/bacula/archive)
    Pool:         Internal
    Media type:   File

Device {
  Name = FileStorage
  Media Type = File
  Archive Device = /var/lib/bacula/archive
  LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled media
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  RemovableMedia = no;
  AlwaysOpen = no;
  SpoolDirectory = /var/spool/bacula

Device {
  Name = ExternalFileStorage
  Media Type = File
  Archive Device = /media/bacula
  LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled media
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  RemovableMedia = no;
  AlwaysOpen = no;
  SpoolDirectory = /var/spool/bacula
               45,3          20%

# Default pool definition
Pool {
  Name = Internal
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year
  NextPool = External
  Storage = File

Pool {
  Name = External
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year
  Storage = ExternalFileStorage

# Scratch pool definition
Pool {
  Name = Scratch
  Pool Type = Backup
                                                              294,1         86%

Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
  Run = Full 1st sun at 1:05
  Run = Differential 2nd-5th sun at 1:05
  Run = Incremental mon-sat at 1:05
  Run = VirtualFull daily at 5:05

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