Bob Hetzel schrieb:
> Greetings,
> I've been seeing an issue whereby a volume gets marked in error 
> periodically.  The last items logged about that volume are typically like 
> this:
> 02-Jun 11:53 gyrus-sd JobId 83311: Volume "LTO224L2" previously written, 
> moving to end of data.
> 02-Jun 11:53 gyrus-sd JobId 83311: Error: Bacula cannot write on tape 
> Volume "LTO224L2" because:
> The number of files mismatch! Volume=46 Catalog=45
> 02-Jun 11:53 gyrus-sd JobId 83311: Marking Volume "LTO224L2" in Error in 
> Catalog.
> I don't think I have any SCSI errors, but instead the problem seems to be 
> related to bacula not properly keeping track of the volume files in some 
> rare case.
> This time the problem happened not too long after the volume got recycled 
> and so I noted one thing about how the tape was used... a backup started on 
> another volume and then spanned onto it.  Could that be a source of these 
> problems?
> Here's the pertinent part of the bacula log file--debugging not turned on 
> right now but I'm hoping enough got logged to help.  If not I'll have to 
> turn debugging back on but what level would be good for determining the 
> source of that error?
>     Bob
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To me this looks like an issue reported a couple of times on this list,
once by me and once by another user, whereby Bacula isnt updating the
Volume Files when doing concurrent jobs.
So far nobody has seemed interested in it. For me and another user it
has "worked" to set the maximum concurrent jobs to 1 on the device..
Yes, you will have jobs piling on for hours until they get worked off.

I witnessed this first after upgrading from 2.4.4 to 3.0.0 but have not
been able to track it down myself or i would have made a proper
bugreport for it..

Hope that helps a little

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