Erik Logtenberg wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have experience with the Quickport (or Quickport duo) [1] in
> combination with Bacula? I suppose one could use it to make backups to
> disk, without the need for an expensive multi-disk-enclosure (with or
> without RAID). This would work more like backups to tape (with manual
> tape exchanging), but instead of using tapes one can use disks.
> [1]
> There are many advantages:
> - Disks can be much faster than tape;
> - The big disadvantage of disk-to-disk backups (huge amounts of always
> simultaneously online disks needed) doesn't apply;
> - Cheap.
I do not have experience with this specific product, BUT, from reading 
on the net, talking to various people and from personal experience (it 
was not my idea to try it)  I can tell you that USB is a very very very 
bad idea to use / trust for reliable backups. Why? Pumping huge amounts 
of data over USB to a disk cause things to get very hot. Often to hot to 
handle resulting in BBQ-ing the USB-SATA converter or your disk(s).
Better to consider a NAS or E-SATA solution.


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