On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 12:13:02AM -0400, Jason A. Kates wrote:
> 28-May 20:32 backup-server-sd JobId 67400: Error: block.c:275 Volume
> data error at 339:441! Wanted ID: "BB02", got "". Buffer discarded.

I used to get this error on restore if I had the 'autopurge corruption bug'.

More information starts here (or you can google for it if the links are
now broken):

a) a bacula job starts writing to a volume,
b) a second job starts and because the first job doesn't set up things in the
database correctly until the job has finished, or 1gb has been backed up...
c) ...the second job purges the volume and starts writing to it.
d) both jobs report success.

So, you end up with corrupted data.

If I remember correctly, it only happens if you have it set up so that a volume
has a maximum of one job, and the jobs that you are running overlap.
If you are using bacula-3.0.0 or newer, this problem should be fixed.

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