Dear List,

I have a FileSet defined. This FileSet is used by a backup job and a 
verify job. However within this FileSet/Verify job there are some oddities.
Job {
  Name = "Verify_Zim"
  Type = Verify
  Level = VolumeToCatalog
  Client = zim-fd
  FileSet = "Full Set"
  Messages = Standard
  Storage = "DDS-4"
  Pool = Default
  Schedule = "VerifyCycle"
  Verify Job = "Client_Zim"

In the FileSet is defined:
Verify = pins5

I just want to verify that what was written to tape was written 
correctly. At the time of backup there are no active users however 
daemons such as a MTA continue to work obviously.

I have some question on the following issues.
a) the verify job seems to  verify against jobID 270 which was (I think) 
the last time I ran a Verify Init job. I wanted however to run it 
against the previous backup job (JobId 277). This probably explains 
oddity #4 below.
What is going wrong here? The catalog is never updated after an Initial 

b) Logfiles from daemons are backuped "raw" (without shutting them down) 
in out setup. I know it's not the best way, but anyway... Can I 
configure director in such a way that the backupjob backs up everything 
in the FileSet definition, but does omit certain files/directories when 
verifying without defining an almost identical second FileSet?
(the fileset definition is complex, changing it might lead to oddities 
in the future when a second FileSet has to be maintained too)
This would probably (partly) fix oddities #1, #2 and #5 below.

c) There are 2 things I simply do not understand at all. Being oddity #3 
below and the strange sequence of chars in the log in oddity #5 below.

Running on Debian Etch Bacula backport packages 2.4.1-1~bpo40+1 against 

Any remarks & suggestions highly welcomed.

Thanks in advance,

1. md5 digest differs on files being in use:

28-May 00:05 zim-dir JobId 278: File: /var/lib/mysql/bacula/Filename.MYI
28-May 00:05 zim-dir JobId 278:       st_size  differ. Cat: 3275776 
File: 3281920
28-May 00:05 zim-dir JobId 278:       MD5 digest differs.

2. New files

28-May 00:05 zim-dir JobId 278: New file: /var/lib/cyrus/proc/2315
28-May 00:06 zim-dir JobId 278: New file: 
28-May 00:23 zim-dir JobId 278:       /home/xxx/SUP/xxx/

3. New files that are not new at all but are reported to be new by all jobs
(just 2 files, always the same files, other files in the same directory 
are not reported)

28-May 00:07 zim-dir JobId 278: New file: 
28-May 00:08 zim-dir JobId 278: New file: 

4. New files that were created during the working day such as log files 
of user applications.
These are never updated during the backup process as no one works at 
that time.

5. The following files are in the Catalog but not on disk:

28-May 00:23 zim-dir JobId 278:    
28-May 00:23 zim-dir JobId 278:    
28-May 00:23 zim-dir JobId 278:       /var/lib/cyrus/proc/5411

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