On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Phil R <bacula-us...@growlybear.org> wrote:
> Hope this is the right place to ask this - if not, sorry.
Yes this is the correct place.

> Using 2.4.4, automatic recycling doesn't allow tapes to be reused.
> I've discovered that if I set the tape status to "recycle" then when the
> next scheduled job runs it recycles the volume - all data lost (good)
> then announces that the max use duration is (already!) exeeded, and
> marks the tape as "used"
> 27-May 00:03 machine-dir JobId 191: Start Backup JobId 191,
> Job=testbackup.2009-05-27_00.03.31.06
> 27-May 00:03 machine-dir JobId 191: Using Device "DDS-4"
> 27-May 00:04 machine-sd JobId 191: Recycled volume "Scratch_1" on device
> "DDS-4" (/dev/nst1), all previous data lost.
> 27-May 00:04 machine-dir JobId 191: Max configured use duration
> exceeded. Marking Volume "Scratch_1" as Used.
> ...but continues to complete the job. Then the next night, the tape's
> marked as "used" and the backup fails.
> The "lastWritten" shows the last written time correctly; LabelDate shows
> the time the volume was recycled; but firstwritten shows the time & date
> the tape was first used. Not sure if that's how it's meant to be, but in
> order to use my tapes I have to set UseDuration to be more than the time
> since firstwritten and now.
> So if I want to use this tape until Friday, for example, I have to set
> UseDuration to be 54 days. Then when I come to reuse the tape in 4
> weeks' time, I'll need to manually change the UseDuration to be 72 days
> (54+28)
> Shouldn't recycling reset the firstwritten time?


> Or should it calculate
> UseDuration from something else? Am I expecting something too much?

Looks like a bug. Can you post the output of list media?


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