I am backing up mysql databases on a backup client and then backing up  
the database dumps to bacula
on tape as a way of archiving them.

I just went to test a restore of one of the files and got this

26-May 08:43 backup-fd: RestoreFiles.2009-05-26_08.38.43 Error:  
attribs.c:471 Unable to set file flags /backup/bacula-restores/home/ 
backup/weekly/mysql-dump/local.19.sql.gz: ERR=Operation not supported

I wonder.. which operation is not supported?

What file flags is it trying to set?

Any ideas where to start troubleshooting would be appreciated

The job parameters are as follows:

In bacula-dir.conf
JobDefs {
   Name = "MySQL-Archiving"
   Type = Backup
   Level = Differential
   FileSet = "MySQLBackups"
   Schedule = "TuesdayFull"
   Storage = Tape
   Messages = Standard
   Pool = TapeBackup
   Job Retention = 2 years

Job {
   Name = "backup-mysql"
   JobDefs = "MySQL-Archiving"
   Client = "backup"
   Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/backup.bsr"

FileSet {
   Name = "MySQLBackups"
   Include {
     Options {
       compression = GZIP
       signature = MD5
     File = /home/backup/weekly/mysql-dump
   Exclude {


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