On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 06:50:52PM -0400, Dan Langille wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> John Drescher wrote:
> >>> So, if you run backups locally to an external disk, you could back up the
> >>> catalog by taking an ascii dump of the database, and copying the dump file
> >>> to the same disk used for actual backup data.
> >> So Can I just back the directory where the database is?
> >>
> > That is not a good way to backup a database. You need to run mysqldupm
> > instead and backup the text file it generates.
> What John said.
> Not only does this ensure that your backup contains a valid MySQL dump,
> it also exercises the database.  That is, the act of running mysqldump
> reads every part of the databases and dumps it out.  If there is any
> 'hidden' problem with the databases, chances are, you'll find out about
> it during the dump process itself.
> Said explanation applies to all databases IMHO.

Thanks John and Dan for pointing out this for me. I will definetely do


> - --
> Dan Langille
> BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference : http://www.bsdcan.org/
> PGCon  - The PostgreSQL Conference:     http://www.pgcon.org/
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