Bruno Friedmann wrote:
> Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
>> Thx a lot, all of your considerations and suggestions were very interesting.
>> Actually, I thought I already changed the service to run as Administrator, 
>> but I checked
>> and it was not...
>> So I did it, and now it works fine! :)
>> I don't feel it so unsafe to run it as Administrator instead of local system.
>> Thanx again,
>> Gabriele.
> Be just carefull about having to save some file Administrator doesn't have 
> rights.
> It's quite frequent under windows where God is not so God ;-)
On Windows, the Local System account has rights to just about everything 
on that machine. I'm not sure if it is allowed to listen to a socket, 

Backup Operator also can back up and restore files without permissions, 
if the bacula-fd uses the correct backup APIs.

Kevin Keane
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