(Sorry John, I first accidentally sent this to you instead of the list)

Subject: Re: run full backup in bconsole but itruns incremental after one

> When you run a job by hand the schedule isn't involved.
> Either way, for your "Schedule" entry you need "Level="
> before the work "Full".
> Schedule {
>   Name = "test"
>   Run = Level=Full at 11:50
> }
> But, your problem is that your Job doesn't have a Default
> Level defined.  You'll need something like this:
> Job {
>   Name = "job_backup1"
>   Type = Backup
>   Level = Full
>   .
>   .
> }
> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:48:07AM -0500, Zhengquan Zhang wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The first time I run the job it runs full well, but I tried to run it
>> more times, it will run incremental automatically. Could anyone help me
>> understand this? I am learning bacula and please forgive me for this easy
>> question.
>> *run
>> A job name must be specified.
>> Automatically selected Job: job_backup1
>> Run Backup job
>> JobName:  job_backup1
>> Level:    Incremental
>> Client:   client_backup1
>> FileSet:  fileset_backup1
>> Pool:     Default (From Job resource)
>> Storage:  storage_backup1 (From Job resource)
>> When:     2009-05-22 11:49:34
>> Priority: 10
>> OK to run? (yes/mod/no):

One further note, that may be very obvious, but since this was a learning
phase (well, it always is a learning phase, after a few years we just have
proceeded to a little higher level in the studies...)

When running jobs manually, any of the job parameters (level, pool, etc) may
be changed manually from the command line by answering "mod" to the prompt
above. These changes do not modify the original confs, but affect just to
this spesific run.

So, if it were intentional that job is normally run as incremental by
default, for a single manual run it still could be promoted to full by
answering "mod". Or vice versa (if there is no reason like a modified
fileset why the system automatically promotes it anyway)

But obviously there was a need to add level spec to job definition, wheter
it should be full or whichever. IMO, it's a kind of important setting that
it's not a good idea to only trust on internal defaults, explicitly
mentioning the level in the conf file makes it easier to read and understand
the configuration. However, to keep the conf more clear, I think it's a good
idea to specify in the job definition a level that will be used most often,
and only specify a minimal amount of changes in the schedule. So, I would
usually prefer "incremental" in the job definition, unless it's really
desirable to run the job as "full" every time. In this sense, in the
original conf the "full" setting only in the schedule seemed reasonable.

Btw, if there is a need to add more job definitions to the conf in the
future, have a look at "job defaults" section. This way there is no need to
repeat all the settings for every job definition. It's a kind of named
"macro" that is referred to in the job definition.


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