there is a regular discussion on the backuppc mailing list, on how to
backup/move/copy the backuppc pool. Did anyone try to backup the pool with
bacula? Or servers with many, many hardlinks?
I need to expand the raid volume where the pool is stored (Arecac RAID          
controller). Doing this without backup is a bit frightening (I didn't           
use LVM for the filesystem).                                                    
I also use bacula to backup parts of the data. Quoting the manual:              
hardlinks=yes--no When enabled (default), this directive will cause hard        
     links to be backed up. However, the File daemon keeps track of hard        
     linked files and will backup the data only once. The process of keeping    
     track of the hard links can be quite expensive if you have lots of them    
     (tens of thousands or more). This doesn't occur on normal Unix sys-        
     tems, but if you use a program like BackupPC, it can create hundreds       
     of thousands, or even millions of hard links. Backups become very          
     long and the File daemon will consume a lot of CPU power checking          
     hard links. In such a case, set hardlinks=no and hard links will not       
     be backed up. Note, using this option will most likely backup more         
     data and on a restore the file system will not be restored identically     
     to the original.                                                           
Has anyone tried to backup servers with many hardlinks with bacula?             

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