Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
> * Kevin Keane <>:
>> I solved exactly this issue with SSH tunnels. The description on how I 
>> did it is in the Bacula Wiki in the howto section.
> Thanks for the reference. I had had a look at it earlier and had kept it on my
> mind. After your posting I tried and failed. I believe I am close, but I just
> can't get a hand on it:
> I installed and verified SSH for bacula user.
> If I su to bacula, I can establish the tunnels:
>     /usr/bin/ssh -fC2 -R -R 
> -L 9112:localhost:9102 
> If I try to connect to fd on I get a connection refused
> though:
>     06-May 21:39 backup-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: bsock.c:129 Unable to 
> connect to Client: mail-fd on localhost:9112. ERR=Connection refused
This is a very low-level error; the TCP connection couldn't even be 

- Use netstat to check if SSH really is listening on port 9112.
- Use netstat on the server to confirm that fd is 
listening on port 9101.
- Check your iptables to make sure that it isn't blocking port 9112 on 
interface lo, or anything else on the way.


Kevin Keane
The NetTech
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