On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 2:56 PM, Christopher Dick <jcdi...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've looked through the documentation of Bacula, and perhaps it is called 
> something else and I just didn't recognize it.
> Does Bacula support tape reclamation?  By this, I mean, as the retention 
> period on particular pieces of data expire, can Bacula automatically begin 
> condensing what could become only "half-full" tapes onto new tapes and return 
> now emptied tapes back into the pool?  I realize this would require multiple 
> tape drives.  While it might cause the drives to run more often, but it would 
> make tape usage more efficient than having many tapes with a few "empty 
> spots" set now as "appendable."
> As I said, it may be already in there and I didn't recognize the description 
> of the functionality.

The concept of "half-full" volumes does not exist in bacula. I mean a
volume is only recycled in its entirety and that up until a volume
gets recycled all of the data on that volume still exists.


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