Hash: SHA1

Pascal Clermont wrote:
> Dan Langille wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Pascal Clermont wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was reading the archives and stumbled upon "[Bacula-users]
>>> Improving Backup speed" thread which caught my eye since I am having
>>> issues.
>>> we backup over 6TB of small files during a full usually started on
>>> Friday night these are far from being finished on Mondays. the
>>> transfer on the wire is usually finished within 24 hours.
>>> My bottleneck being "Dir inserting Attributes" in my database. I only
>>> have 2.5 Gb of ram on that machine and intend to upgrade by the end
>>> of the month. (so far we intend to upgrade to 8gb of ram)
>>> Something in the thread caught my eye :
>>> "
>>> On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 13:31:54 +0100, Bruno Friedmann <br...@ioda-net.ch>
>>> wrote:
>>> I added the following indexes:
>>> CREATE INDEX File_JobId_idx ON File(JobId);
>>> CREATE INDEX File_PathId_idx ON File(PathId);
>>> CREATE INDEX File_FilenameId_idx ON File(FilenameId);
>>> CREATE INDEX Path_PathId_idx ON Path(PathId);
>>> CREATE INDEX Job_FileSetId_idx ON Job(FileSetId);
>>> CREATE INDEX Job_ClientId_idx ON Job(ClientId);
>>> CREATE INDEX File_FilenameId-PathId_idx ON File(FilenameId,PathId);
>>> ....
>>> ....
>>> It remains to be seen whether the added indexing will impact
>>> insert/update
>>> performance, but I'll take a small performance hit if it means faster
>>> restores and sanity checks. "
>>> As I am no database expert, Would I benefit from creating these
>>> indexes in order to speed up attributes inserting?
>>> My database is already at 137G in size with only about 3 months of
>>> jobs. I've ran the dbcheck a few times ( which takes ~48 hours to
>>> complete ) but do not feel an improvement once that is done.
>>> Any tips/comments concerning improving database insertion would be
>>> greatly appreciated.
>> I don't see any mention of MySQL or PostgreSQL.  Which are you using?
> I am using postgresql 8

8.1?  8.3?  There are significant differences in performance there IIRC.

The following query will tell: "select version()"

- --
Dan Langille

BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference : http://www.bsdcan.org/
PGCon  - The PostgreSQL Conference:     http://www.pgcon.org/
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