
06.04.2009 23:58, Thomas Manson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to exclude a list of folder from the backup, but it didn't
> work (my backup is still huge as before)
> The fileset is defined like this :
> FileSet {
>   Name = "machine.domain.fr.FileSet"
>   Include {
>     Options {
>       signature   = SHA1
>       compression = GZIP
>     }
>     File = /etc
>     File = /home
>     File = /usr/src/makeHttpd
>     File = /root
>     File = /backup/lastbackup
>   }
>   Exclude {
>     File = 
> "</usr/local/bin/scripts/bacula/excludeFolderList/machine.domain_excludeFolderList.txt"
>   }
> }

Something that perhaps doesn't help you now, but might later: Consider 
upgrading to 3.0 when released. It's got that feature built in.

> the local file (from the director point of view)
> /usr/local/bin/scripts/bacula/excludeFolderList/machine.domain_excludeFolderList.txt
> is generated with the following script
> find /home -name .bacula_exclude | sed 's/.bacula_exclude//' >
> /root/scripts/bacula/excludeFolderList
> (and then copied from the client to the directory machine via a scp)
> which is executed as a Run Before Job.
> Do you see anything wrong ?

Not necessarily wrong, though I admit I don't use excludes very often :-)

I would rather execute the command to generate the exclude list on the 
client with the "\|" syntax. That at least ensures the list is always 
up to date. From the manual:

> If the vertical bar (|) in front of my_partitions is preceded by a
 > backslash as in \|, the program will be executed on the Client's
 > machine instead of on the Director's machine. Please note that if
 > the filename is given within quotes, you will need to use two
> slashes. An example, provided by John Donagher, that backs up all
> the local UFS partitions on a remote system is:
> FileSet {
>   Name = "All local partitions"
>   Include {
>     Options { signature=SHA1; onefs=yes; }
>     File = "\\|bash -c \"df -klF ufs | tail +2 | awk '{print \$6}'\""
>   }
> }

Obviously, you'd exchange the "df" with your find | sed combination.


> Thomas.

Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück

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