On Sun, 05 Apr 2009 09:29:48 +0200, Kevin Keane <subscript...@kkeane.com>  

> Mark V wrote:
>> Two questions:
>> Q1) Am I going mad or is it possible for bat to show an error that
>> does not show in the bacula log file?
> I don't know

I've seen Bat hijack output away from an open bconsole, though I'm not  
sure whether this would also prevent output from appearing in the log. If  
so, I would consider it a bug. This might not be a problem if the  
concurrent connection limit is increased.

> I can see several options:

Excluding a fair chunk of backup prime time every night is silly.  
Scheduling/scripting around the specific dates for everything is too  
laborious and error prone. Fixing it by hand later is a pain if you deal  
with a lot of backups.

Setting the server to UTC seems the best option, except for something like  
Windows, which always expects the RTC to be local. We have a lot of dumb  
*IX apps that simply assume local time too, unfortunately.

The best solution would be for Bacula to translate time to UTC internally  
for scheduling, everything external such as logfiles, scheduling stanzas  
in config etc. would remain in the user's locale.

Until then maybe you can combine canceling the job with a scripted check  
for date.

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