We received this night a mail from bacula saying :

02-avr 00:41 potiron-sd JobId 719: Job backupBDD.2009-04-02_00.30.22 waiting. 
Cannot find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
    Storage:      "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0)
    Pool:         Historique
    Media type:   LTO-2

 From my understanding of our pool state we have 2 media that are usable 
: 000003L2 (in state Recycle) and 000001L2 (in state Append).
PS. We use an autochanger.

All other outputs are below.

Thank you.

The console said :

02-avr 00:30 potiron-dir JobId 719: BeforeJob: run command "ssh -o 
BatchMode=yes r...@ /bin/bash /root/.scripts/backup_BDD.sh"

02-avr 00:41 potiron-dir JobId 719: BeforeJob: [script output]

02-avr 00:41 potiron-dir JobId 719: Start Backup JobId 719, 

02-avr 00:41 potiron-dir JobId 719: There are no more Jobs associated 
with Volume "000003L2". Marking it purged.

02-avr 00:41 potiron-dir JobId 719: All records pruned from Volume 
"000003L2"; marking it "Purged"

02-avr 00:41 potiron-dir JobId 719: Recycled volume "000003L2"

02-avr 00:41 potiron-dir JobId 719: Using Device "Drive-1"

02-avr 00:41 potiron-sd JobId 719: Job backupBDD.2009-04-02_00.30.22 
waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.

Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for:

Storage: "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0)

Pool: Historique

Media type: LTO-2

02-avr 01:41 potiron-sd JobId 719: Job backupBDD.2009-04-02_00.30.22 
waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.

Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for:

Storage: "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0)

Pool: Historique

Media type: LTO-2

02-avr 03:41 potiron-sd JobId 719: Job backupBDD.2009-04-02_00.30.22 
waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.

Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for:

Storage: "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0)

Pool: Historique

Media type: LTO-2

02-avr 07:41 potiron-sd JobId 719: Job backupBDD.2009-04-02_00.30.22 
waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.

Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for:

Storage: "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0)

Pool: Historique

Media type: LTO-2

llist media pool=Historique

MediaId: 9

VolumeName: 000003L2

Slot: 3

PoolId: 6

MediaType: LTO-2

FirstWritten: 1970-01-01 01:00:00

LastWritten: 2009-01-18 00:39:28

LabelDate: 2008-11-21 00:39:29

VolJobs: 0

VolFiles: 0

VolBlocks: 0

VolMounts: 3

VolBytes: 1

VolErrors: 0

VolWrites: 3,944,186

VolCapacityBytes: 0

VolStatus: Recycle

Enabled: 1

Recycle: 1

VolRetention: 5,356,800

VolUseDuration: 0

MaxVolJobs: 0

MaxVolFiles: 0

MaxVolBytes: 0

InChanger: 1

EndFile: 425

EndBlock: 5,020

VolParts: 0

LabelType: 0

StorageId: 2

DeviceId: 0

LocationId: 0

RecycleCount: 1

InitialWrite: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

ScratchPoolId: 0

RecyclePoolId: 6

Comment: NULL

MediaId: 10

VolumeName: 000004L2

Slot: 4

PoolId: 6

MediaType: LTO-2

FirstWritten: 2009-01-18 00:38:24

LastWritten: 2009-03-01 02:15:19

LabelDate: 2009-01-18 00:38:24

VolJobs: 169

VolFiles: 383

VolBlocks: 4,033,181

VolMounts: 1

VolBytes: 260,188,637,184

VolErrors: 0

VolWrites: 4,033,183

VolCapacityBytes: 0

VolStatus: Full

Enabled: 1

Recycle: 1

VolRetention: 5,356,800

VolUseDuration: 0

MaxVolJobs: 0

MaxVolFiles: 0

MaxVolBytes: 0

InChanger: 1

EndFile: 382

EndBlock: 11,146

VolParts: 0

LabelType: 0

StorageId: 2

DeviceId: 0

LocationId: 0

RecycleCount: 0

InitialWrite: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

ScratchPoolId: 0

RecyclePoolId: 6

Comment: NULL

MediaId: 16

VolumeName: 000001L2

Slot: 1

PoolId: 6

MediaType: LTO-2

FirstWritten: 2009-03-26 00:41:09

LastWritten: 2009-04-01 00:56:22

LabelDate: 2009-03-26 00:41:09

VolJobs: 20

VolFiles: 28

VolBlocks: 259,983

VolMounts: 14

VolBytes: 16,772,087,808

VolErrors: 0

VolWrites: 4,084,296

VolCapacityBytes: 0

VolStatus: Append

Enabled: 1

Recycle: 1

VolRetention: 5,356,800

VolUseDuration: 0

MaxVolJobs: 0

MaxVolFiles: 0

MaxVolBytes: 0

InChanger: 1

EndFile: 27

EndBlock: 4,917

VolParts: 0

LabelType: 0

StorageId: 2

DeviceId: 0

LocationId: 0

RecycleCount: 1

InitialWrite: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

ScratchPoolId: 0

RecyclePoolId: 6

Comment: NULL

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